Don't Forget the Culturalpatina Auction Today. 10 AM EST December 17, 2016 07:18
My goodness it is cold here in Northern Virginia. I cannot remember it being this cold. It is so cold that I have now had to change my work attire and actually put on a pair of long pants. I normally do not do this until the first snow so something is amiss with the weather.
Well, it appears that the day is almost over so I must be getting ready to close for the day. Tomorrow is our big day. Don't forget culturalpatina will be having our very first auction and I am hoping for success and that a number of folks will pick up some nice Christmas presents either for themselves or for that some one special in your life. You can assess the link here.… . Don't forget if you are going to bid, you will need to register. I hope everyone has a safe and pleasant evening. Take care.